This and That

Allow ourselves to dream

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Music artist Patience Namadingo has probably emerged as the most happening act on the local music scene thus far this year.

The young man has been everywhere and done almost everything his artistic ability could allow him. His collaborations, which were later to be dubbed mash-up, saw him push new boundaries nobody never imagined before.

On this journey he has flirted with Joe Kells, John JJ Kutsokwe, Lucius Banda twice, Billy Kaunda, Mitengeli Choir and Black Missionaries. Just like any project, the mash-up venture has received both positive and negative feedback.

One thing though remains very clear; in a long while there is no project that has excited people’s interest such as the Mash-up phenomenon. During a time when the entertainment industry was slowed significantly due to the coronavirus (Covid-19), the mash-ups were a breath of fresh air.

Even now, the productions are still among the heavily played songs in most entertainment joints. Nowadays new music is easily sent to the trash bin if it is not good enough. The market is offering plenty of options. Your product has to be really good for it to hold its own for long.

Upon the release of what he said was the last placement in the mash-up project two weeks ago, the artist said something that has inspired this entry this week. Having felt like he has covered enough ground locally, Namadingo said his long-term focus now will be breaking the international market.

The artist has a way of expressing his thoughts and intentions. Comical elements and traits are truly visible in his presentations. When he is communicating, one can easily dismiss his rhetoric as mere lip service.

But the shift that he has put in over the months tells of a man who is working according to a well-woven script. And the execution of that blueprint has yielded positive results thus far. The recognition he has whipped for himself speaks volumes. No artist in the land can boast of a better corporate appeal than him at the moment.

It was in his usual playful tone that his ultimate goal now is to see his work represented at one of America’s globally recognised art platforms, BET Awards. Many of course laughed off his assertions. The social media was awash with memes mocking him as they all believe he can’t make it to the awards.

But wait a minute! In any venture one is involved in, if you don’t raise your bar far enough then you are bound to get nowhere. It may indeed take him a long time to touch his dream but at least he has laid that hunger in him.

Every move that he will be taking now will be towards that goal. When you are up against some challenge that’s when you excel since you hold nothing back. For him it’s his dream or nothing. If others can dream about BET Award, why not Patience?

In the same vein I would like to applaud another music genius Lulu who has this week released his first live recorded song, Tsiku Langa. To make it sweet, the recording and production of the song was done at a studio that he owns, Mathumela Studios.

This has all been possible due to the massive upgrade the facility has slowly undergone. Now the recording studio has 32 more new channels which can record 32 people singing at the same time. This is no mean achievement.

He admitted it has been his long held dream to do a live recording. It must be very satisfying that he has lived to see his dream take shape. I am sure the day he decided to set on his dream to open a studio he had fears if this day would ever come.

I am sure during those moments they were some who felt he could not do it. But here he is. Before achieving anything you have to dream it first. Without having any vision you are bound to get nowhere.

I wish Namadingo and Lulu increased growth and more success. These are two young creatives who have the potential to raise the Malawian flag higher at a much bigger stage. Let us all dream!

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