National News

CCJP, HDRC tip govt ahead of elections

 Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) and Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) have observed that while there is little government can do to fix the battered economy, not all is lost.

The governance and watchdog organisations noted in separate interviews time was against the Lazarus Chakwera administration to salvage something during the remaining few months.

“There is little that could be done in the coming eight months when one looks at the myriad of challenges on the ground apart from trying to do things right than before and as they are doing now,” said CCJP national coordinator Lewis Msiyadungu.

Trapence: President needs to be radical. | Nation

He said with campaign coming in few months’ time, it would be hard to reverse the situation apart “from begging Malawians to give the current government another five years to rule”.

HRDC chairperson Gift Trapence said the organisation expects government to come up with a clear roadmap within six months which could be implemented to fix the economy.

“Government needs to know that Malawians are frustrated and their trust is waning because of the economic hardships they are going through without clear and tangible solutions in sight.

“Therefore, government must come up with a clear-cut plan on how it is going to address the economic hardships,” he said.

But Trapence said from a civil society perspective, there are things the administration has done well but needs improvement in certain areas.

Among the areas, HRDC has applauded government include infrastructure development, ending blackouts, construction of houses for security personnel, answering questions in Parliament and political tolerance.

Howe v e r, h e r a t e d t h e administration lowly in the areas such as socio-economic hardships, rule of law where fraud and corruption have been rampant and public sector reforms.

Trapence also blamed the President for failing to fire non-performing Cabinet ministers and public officials, a development he observed has been of great concern.

“The President has allowed himself to be surrounded by some individuals who are not helping in making right decisions.

“The President needs to be radical in making timely decisions as such he needs to rise up in stamping authority by making sure he is not captured by the systems whether at family, church and party level, but should stampout authority in making decisive decisions,” he said.

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