
Deception frustrates social cash transfers

 Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare Jean Sendeza says widespread deception in the Social Cash Transfer Programme is frustrating the safety net initiative as undeserving beneficiaries are cashing in.

The minister said this in Kasungu yesterday where, alongside the Parliamentary Committee on Governance and Reforms, she interacted with the programme’s beneficiaries.

Sendeza said the development has emerged as the government is increasing the number of beneficiaries in the programme that targets the ultra-poor.

Sendeza interacts with a beneficiary in Kasungu yesterday

She said: “There are some households where three people are receiving the funds. That is not the intention of the programme. “This problem is almost everywhere from Chitipa to Nsanje.” Sendeza said the malpractice is depriving deserving Malawians from benefiting.

She has since asked the district councils to clear the anomalies.  “They need to go on the ground and validate all those that are supposed to be on the list of beneficiaries,” Sendeza added.

On his part , the committee’s chairperson Noel Lipipa said government should consider increasing the amounts beneficiaries receive

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