National News

Dedza water crisis needs long-term solutions—CRWB

 Central Region Water Board (CRWB) chief executive officer John Makwenda says population growth, deforestation and erratic rains are some of the factors that have contributed to water shortage in Dedza.

He said this on Tuesday when he engaged Dedza residents who planned a vigil at CRWB Dedza offices, accusing the board of failing to implement an even water supply rationing as agreed at their first meeting of January 3 2025.

Mleta: We will engage Ministry of Finance. | Zenak Matekenya, Mana

Makwenda said the board’s major source of water is Dedza Mountain whose supply has dwindled over the years due to loss of vegetative cover.

“So, we came up with other measures such as drilling boreholes and installing water pumps. However, these solutions have faced other challenges such as inconsistent supply of power,” he said.

Makwenda said the board presented a comprehensive water supply project proposal to government, suggesting they would need about K40 billion to solve the problem.

However, he assured the residents that in the interim, the board will intensify water

 rationing programme and replace four water pumps at borehole sites by today.

Ministry of Water and Sanitation director of water supply services Prince Mleta promised allocation of a generator from the ministry to boost electricity supply for pumping water at Dauya, one of the sites where the board drilled boreholes.

He said they will engage the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs to release funds or lobby for donors to implement projects to improve access to water.

Speaking on behalf of protesters, Medson Gova, expressed satisfaction with the meeting’s resolutions.

He said: “Failure to implement these resolutions will prompt us to take another action.

“In fact, our plan today was to conduct a peaceful vigil at Dedza CRWB offices.”

Dedza has been experiencing water shortages in recent times

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