People’s Tribunal

Do we really need to travel to SA to mould bricks?

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Dear judge Mbadwa,

My lord, I hear Lazaro left a week ago for South Africa to mould bricks he thinks could be used to develop Nyasaland.

My lord, I am failing to suppress my ignorance and I am compelled to ask, can’t Lazaro and company use local materials to mould bricks instead of wasting forex which could have been put to better use?

My lord, we know for sure that our development plan is structured in straws; hence, the idea of moulding bricks sounds attractive, but why not bake them using firewood from the already denuded forests in our own Nyasaland?

If it were yesterday, I would have suggested that we use local companies to make cement bricks like that owned by Shadrach Meshach and group because cement prices have spiked on the account of fuel and forex shortage.

My lord, now that Lazaro is back, can he tell us how he will bring bricks he had to mould in a foreign land into the country to benefit Nyasas? Who is going to fund the transportation of those bricks into Nyasaland?

My lord, unless we are assured that the bricks will come here duty free I am compelled to conclude that this was another exercise in futility.

Soon we will hear that his team will be trekking to the United States just to get Unga (ufa in Nyanja parlance) for the citizens. This is another trip which I think is not worth spending the much-desired forex for.

Why am I saying so? Let those people stock Admarc markets with enough and cheap maize to enable the citizens to buy and pound the commodity into the Unga of their choice.

My lord, I will be keenly watching to see who is going to accompany Lazaro on his sojourn to look for Unga in the States.

Meanwhile, a major opposition People’s Demagogic Party is still behaving as if it has time to redeem itself.

It has failed to take advantage of the failings of Tokha Are Liars to cement its position as a government-in-waiting and its internecine strife does not inspiring confidence at all.

As I said before, my lord, most of the leaders in the party are serving selfish interests and they have no interests of its general good at heart.

Sadly, time is not the luxury PDP has; hence, it should put its house in order.

Forgive my digression, but sometimes politicians behave like minibus drivers who can make you believe they share a parent on the account of their selfish attitude.


John Citizen.

With Emmanuel Luciano

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