Gears For Careers

Don’t be a cooker cutter

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A cookie cutter is a ‘me too’ kind of person always content to do “same old same old’’. A cookie cutter blends in, follows the crowd and is average. Unfortunately most people fit this description. No doubt if you want to stand out you’ll have to do something different. Here are ways to step away from the herd.

Bloom where you are planted: Some environments are obviously better suited to your blossoming than others but if you find yourself in a less than ideal place don’t put yourself “on hold’’. Find something where you are to sufficiently challenge yourself. Use any obstacles you are facing as an opportunity to be creative. Focus on the strengths you have that you can use that will make you feel useful. Avoid stagnation at all costs.

Ask “street’’ questions: Street questions are simple, even basic but get to the core of issues, bring clarity and understanding. They keep things simple and help you focus on what matters. Develop a series of basic questions to use regularly so that you can venture beyond the tried and tested to be innovative and to get new perspectives.

Be tougher when things get tough: When the chips are down, don’t hope that things get easier. Becoming stronger is within your control whilst the degree of challenge you face is outside your control. Learn from those who see beyond their present difficulty and are able to devise a plan to get beyond it. Learn what you need to be learning about how to ‘’process’’ through the hard times.

Borrow wisdom: When you don’t know what to do in any situation, don’t just give up because you don’t know what to do. Borrow wisdom from those who know a lot more about what you are trying to do. Learn from someone who has already accomplished what you are trying to do or who has the knowledge you seek. Don’t operate in ignorance when someone has information  you need.

Now take action: What one innovative thing can you start to do that you have not done before?

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