Feed children in CBCCs,says M’mbelwa Council
Mzimba South nutrition officer Gift Simkonda has urged communities to continue feeding children in community-based childcare centres (CBCCs) even in the absence of donor support.
Under the country’s design, CBCCs provide nutritional trainings to mothers and other relevant stakeholders in communities.
Speaking on Friday at Chigwirizano Care Group in Champhira, Simkonda said it was necessary for CBCCs to continue offering nutritional services to children even when donors are not available.
He said this during a supervisory visit that Mzimba South District Nutrition Coordination Committee made to Champhira to assess the progress of CBCCs.
“CBCCs are government structures and permanent, therefore, we expect to see you working when donors are there and when they are not available” said Simkonda.
He said such centres should not close doors to new partners, but remain flexible to work with those willing to support.
“CBCCs should work towards improving children’s health, as such, keep the doors open to every donor who would come to support,” said Simkonda.
Eness Sibande, health promoter from Traditional Authority (T/A) Kampingo Sibande, said she will ensure that clusters provide children with food.
“Since we started the feeding initiative, we recorded two cases of malnutrition. However, as of now no child attending CBCCs is malnourished,” she said.
T/A Kampingo Sibande nutrition field officer Harris Mhango encouraged CBCCs to plan their activities.
“You may not start a journey without knowing the direction. It is only when you have your workplan when you may progress,” he said.
Mhango commended Feed the Children, Afikepo Programme and other partners for supporting feeding services in CBCCs.