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Giddes Chalamanda, Manuel Kambanje face off today

Veteran artist Giddes Chalamanda and youthful Manuel Kambanje of the Maloto Sang’amba fame will today take their music to Greenland Gardens at Dyeratu in Chikwawa.

Fun seekers are expected to have unique Independence Anniversary celebrations with the performances of the two.

Ready to entertain Chikwawa music lovers: Chalamanda

Both artists have hit songs whose message is centred in dreams.

Chalamanda has a song Buffalo Soldier, which talks about his dream of going to the United States of America while Kambanje’s claim to fame is a song titled Maloto Sang’amba that challenges his ex-girlfriend that memories are forever and that he will forever appear in her dreams.

Greenland Gardens’ spokesperson Dalitso Dominic Likoloma has assured people of proper security and adherence to Covid-19 precautionary measures. He said the show has been designed to be conducive for families.

“It’s all about entertainment. People will be entertained at a fee of K 2 000 only. We will also have braai and drinks for sale,” he said.

Both stars will be backed by the Blantyre-based TK Warriors Band whose executive manager Evangelist Martins Kambanje said everything was set.

“While Agide needs no introduction even across the borders, I wish to inform people in Chikwawa that Manzey ‘Malotosang’amba’ Kambanje and TK Warriors Band are all geared for a brilliant performance,” he said.

He disclosed that the seven-member TK Warriors Band will also welcome back vocalist Walles Walewale, who for the past year has been performing as a sole artist in Lilongwe.

Kambanje added that the Zingwangwa-based band has acquired modern equipment.

One of Chalamanda’s Chikwawa-based fan Chifundo Chiwambo, said he could not wait to see the two musicians come face to face on Independence Day in the Shire Valley.

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