
‘I want unity in Blantyre Synod’

Blantyre CCAP Synod elected Reverend Rabson Chinkwezule as its new moderator
Blantyre CCAP Synod elected Reverend Rabson Chinkwezule as its new moderator

At its recent annual general meeting (AGM), the Blantyre CCAP Synod elected Reverend Rabson Chinkwezule as its new moderator, succeeding Reverend Mercy Chilapula. But what special thing should Christians expect from Reverend Chinkwezule? Excerpts:

Congratulations on your election to the synod’s highest post.

Amen and thank you very much! I hope you are praying for me so that I should meet the expectations of the church.

What does this mean for you?

I should first thank Christians in all the 18 presbyteries who nominated me to the post of synod moderator. Of course, I should hasten to say that one presbytery nominated a friend. But this does not mean they don’t love me.

The Christians who did not nominate me were simply exercising their right to choose a person they wanted to lead them. Today, as I sit on the position of the moderator, I regard all the CCAP members in Blantyre Synod as my spiritual children.

I believe they all trust me a lot; hence, giving me such a support. It’s not easy to get 17 nominations out of 18 and I thank God for this. On my part, I promise to serve them with humility and dedication.

By the way, what is the role of Synod moderator? As a Synod moderator, you are charged with responsibilities to counsel the clergy as well as the laity.

You become a parent for both pastors and Christians. As such, you have the responsibility to provide direction on the activities of the Synod. You are also expected to chair Synod meetings.

What is your vision for the synod?

First, I want to intensify pastoral visitations to our frail members such as retired reverends and ministers, the sick and those who seem hesitant in their faith. Having assumed the role of synod moderator, it is my duty to help and strengthen them all so that together we can deepen our faith.

I will also endeavour to support poor families to ensure the little that God gives us should be shared among us. I also want to focus on introducing and implementing development projects in areas of health and education. The aim is to transform the lives of communities that make Blantyre Synod.

For a start, we are planning to build hostels which will be offered to students studying at The Polytechnic as well as members of the public to rent. I believe those are long-term plans.

What are the most pressing issues you plan to tackle as a matter of urgency in the synod?

My first task is to bring unity in the synod. Mind you, I am working with Christians and pastors of different backgrounds, cultures and ages. Despite being Christians, we also have to appreciate that there are divisions among us based on various factors.

So unity is missing even in the church. What is the main cause of disunity in the house of God?

Oh yes! There is lack of unity in the church just as it is in the secular world. Mostly, it is politics that has been the creator of disunity in the church. As a synod moderator, I want to deal with this problem. As Blantyre Synod, we don’t want politics to creep into the church and bring confusion among believers.

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