Inspirational stories
I love hearing inspirational stories. It gives hope and courage to people living with HIV and Aids. Here are a few stories sent by readers.
I am a young mother who discovered l was positive when l went for my first antenatal class last year (2012). My CD4 count was high and l had never been the sickly type but because of the health policy, I started on anti-retrovirals. I am happy to tell you that l have a bouncing baby girl who is 10 months now and her first test which was done at 6 weeks came out negative. She awaits her next test in November. She willingly stopped breastfeeding at four months exactly and now she feeds on nsima and mixed porridge and formula.
This girl, I loved her so much and wanted to marry her. We had been together for 18 months and had always played it safe using condoms. But somehow I knew that if it was true love and marriage, then I need to come out in the open. I was afraid that she would reject me, accuse me of exposing her to HIV, even though we had played it safe. It took me a while to get the courage. On the day, I began by telling her how I feel about her and about becoming serious in the relationship and the value of honesty. I was so happy when she accepted me. We are still in love and have been married for three months.
I broke up with a boy because he was sleeping around. I love myself too much to put myself at risk over a silly boy who obviously does not care about me! Why do girls want stay with silly boys even when they know they are silly boys?
She was HIV positive like me. I thought that meant we could understand and love each other, but I found she did not love me. She just wanted to stay with me because she thought with her status she could never find someone to love her. She was with me for the wrong reasons. I am single again and I am sure I will find a good woman.
My husband of 18 years died three years ago. Maybe people suspected, maybe I was in denial. We said it was pneumonia. I did not want my children (8, 12, 17) to have to deal with the fact that their father had died of Aids. I did not believe it either. Close to year ago, I lost my sister to Aids. On her deathbed she told me that she wished she had gotten tested earlier because now she has left behind young children who didn’t have a mother or father. I got tested 10 months ago. I told my family and my children. My family have been very supportive.
do you have an inspirational story to share? Email me: