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JB orders ministry to address TUM woes

Banda: Teachers have genuine grievances
Banda: Teachers have genuine grievances

Malawi President Joyce Banda has directed Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) officials to immediately start addressing grievances raised by the Teachers’ Union of Malawi (TUM) in their eight-point petition presented on Friday.

TUM has given government a 14-day ultimatum to address the issues and warned that failure would lead to a strike by November 18 2013.

Addressing a rally in Neno on Saturday, the President acknowledged receipt of the petition.

She, however, blamed the plundering of government resources at Capital Hill in the infamous cash-gate as contributing to teachers’ woes.

“The teachers have genuine grievances. But this could have been avoided if government resources were not plundered as uncovered recently,” said Banda before issuing a directive to her officials to address the issues raised in the petition.

In their petition, the teachers cited non-remittance of K918 million (about $2.2m) deductions to Teachers Savings and Credit Cooperatives (Saccos) and other micro-finance institutions from where teachers benefit.

“TUM [membership] deductions have equally not been remitted, suffocating its operations in the process, yet you are aware TUM does not get subvention from government as other unions in the public service do.

“MoEST [Ministry of Education, Science and Technology] owes TUM close to K20 million [about $50 000],” reads the petition in part.

In the petition signed by TUM secretary general Denis Kalekeni, Chauluka Muwake (president), Charles Kumchenga (national coordinator) and Harvy Chunga (chairperson-Lilongwe Urban), the teachers also demand outstanding salary arrears which have remained unpaid for years.

The teachers have also pressed on government to release results of promotional interviews conducted this year.

“These promotions were negotiated by TUM from the Head of State who had directed that they be finalised by June 2013. This will affect the interview schedule for 2013/14 promotion according to Ministry’s budget and plans,” reads the petition.

The teachers have also demanded that government should withdraw with immediate effect a circular issued favouring upgrading of science teachers which discriminates against those that majored in arts.

Government has also been rapped for lack of commitment to finalise issuing of promotion letters to teachers who passed interviews to various grades in 2010, 2011 and 2012.

“TUM demands that all teachers who passed interviews sometime back and have not yet been confirmed must receive their letters by 31st December 2013,” adds the petition.

Hardship allowance and revision of leave grants have also come on the spotlight. Teachers want the allowance revised from K5 000 (about $12.50) to K10 000 (about $25) and payable across the board and not to selected few teachers.

The teachers in the petition also want their salaries to be paid in time, warning that they will not condone any prolonged delays.

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