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Promotions are a high-point in career-progression, but they could not the highest point that you set to achieve. If promotions before attaining the main goal are mishandled, they can get in the way of the dream and distract you from achieving the set goal. This article by Lisa Ruffle, sourced by Mwereti Kanjo, offers vital information on how not to get into a comfort zone and keep on track after being promoted.

We have that goal in life that keeps us working hard each day. The day that we shall attain this goal is maybe the day we shall find peace within ourselves. As much as promotions may be a step forward to achieving our dreams, if mishandled they could just be a stumbling block in our way.

The problem with promotions for others is that the adjusting to new roles and the power that comes along with it can be troubling. This is because the power and perks can be a little too much that one may become satisfied and stop working extra hard to achieve their set goals in life.

So, just how do you keep yourself on track after getting a promotion at work?

According to an article by Lisa Ruffle, the first important thing is to prepare for the adjustment period. She says you must understand both the perks and the challenges of your new position. The first thing people think of when they are offered a promotion is to automatically assume there will be a substantial raise in their salary.

Secondly, do not assume that you know it all. Promotions come either because you applied for a higher position in your company, or you were offered it by your manager because he/she thought you showed potential. You are not expected to walk into your new office with your new title and “know how everything works”. When one assumes that they know it all chances of them learning new things to take them to greater heights are minimised. No one wants to teach Miss Know it all because it is a waste of time. There is just no getting through to them.

“At this point in your transition to supervisor, you need to remember to ask for help when you need it. Ask for training or any other assistance you may need right away so that you can get your promotion started on the right foot. Asking for help or talking to some of the other supervisors may help you see what areas are most important to the position. This is always a sign of self-improvement,” said Ruffle.

Thereafter, know what kind of boss you want to be. This is a hard thing for a lot of first time supervisors. Having to manage a group of people who you were just working side-by-side with is going to be awkward.

There will have to be boundaries set, so that your employees know that you are now their supervisor and they are to come to you with problems and concerns. However, what is to be avoided here is becoming an enemy. One must make sure not to be on the extreme of either type of boss, the hard headed one or the kind hearted.

Lastly, keep in mind of the green eyed friends that envy you for the wrong reasons. Some people are there to pretend to be good friends and give you the wrong advice intentionally.

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