Malawi private sector to continue supporting NPL’s Fun Run

The private sector in Malawi that partnered and sponsored Nation Publications Limited (NPL) in its corporate social responsibility initiative, Mother’s Day Fun Run, have pledged their continued support for the project, saying the initiative promotes safe motherhood in the country.
NPL, through its sponsors and partners has mobilised over K20 million (about $50 000) in this year’s Fun Run for maternal healthcare items for Rumphi District Hospital, David Gordon Memorial Hospital, Katowo and Chitimba
Sponsors, partners and individuals who supported this year’s Fun Run are Dossani Trust, Press Trust, UNFPA, World Vision International (Malawi), Save the Children, Every One, Banja la Mtsogolo (BLM),
Speaking at the Mother’s Day Fun Run event in Rumphi on Saturday, World Vision Malawi regional manager (North) Annie Kumwenda, who was also the guest of honour, said the project’s growth from K300 000 in 2005 to over K20 million this year is an indication that partners have trust in NPL.
“There is nothing more satisfying than investing in life saving initiatives like the safe motherhood. World Vision will continue to partner with NPL and all other partners in the fight against child and maternal deaths,” said Kumwenda.
Since its launch in 2005, NPL has mobilised over K60 million worth of maternal healthcare items from strategic partners, sponsors, and individuals for health institutions in the country.