NPL’s Mothers Fun Run on today
With over K17 million (about $42 500) collected, this year’s Nation Publications Limited’s (NPL) Mothers Fun Run promises to be bigger and better.
Head of sales and marketing, MacDonald Kadewa, said the event is scheduled to take place in Rumphi today.
Mother’s Day Fun Run is one of NPL’s portfolio of corporate social responsibility projects established under its nation-building agenda.Other projects include the Nation Achiever Awards and Father’s Day Responsible Fatherhood project.
“This is our way of giving back to the community. Since it started eight years ago, the project has raised over K60 million (about $150 000) which has assisted in promoting safe motherhood and fight maternal and infant deaths across the country,” he said.
The Mother’s Day Fun Run project was launched in 2005 to promote safe motherhood and fight maternal and infant deaths through provision of the much-needed healthcare items to needy government hospitals and health centres around Malawi.
Kadewa said NPL has mobilised maternal and infant healthcare equipment and supplies, through various strategic partner organisations, corporate sponsor and well-wishing individuals, which have benefited 13 government hospitals and health centres in eight districts.
“Each year, the Mother’s Day Fun Run takes place some days or a week before the Mother’s Day national commemorations as a means for partners, sponsors and individuals to celebrate Mother’s Day withlife-saving action – in this case, by donating much-needed medical tems to maternity wards of selected public hospitals and health centres,” he said.
Kadewa said this year’s Mother’s Day Fun Run will benefit Rumphi District Hospital, David Gordon Memorial Hospital, Chitimba Health Centre and Katowo Health Centre in Rumphi.
Last year, Nkhotakota District Hospital and its rural establishments of Dwambazi Rural Hospital and Malowa, Katimbiri and Nkhunga Health Centres benefited from the project.