Pastor Khobidi awarded honorary PhD

Pastor Evans Khobidi of the Seed of Abraham Pentecost Church was on October 21 2013 awarded an honorary doctorate in divinity by the Berean School of Ministry based in the United Kingdom.
Reverend Dr Christopher Oliver, president of Berean School of Ministry, said Khobidi received the degree as recognition of his commitment to promoting the gospel according to Matthews 28:18-20.
“This degree was issued on the 21st day of October in the year of Our Lord Jesus Christ 2013, and is hereby recorded in the School of Ministry educational and alumni records. We congratulate you on your achievements and pray that this award will be a blessing to your ministry,” said Oliver.
In his acceptance speech, Khobidi said the degree would spur him to do more to advance God’s work.
“We encourage all our churches to register with government so that we equip the body of Christ Jesus. I will, therefore, train all my church leaders and send them out to make disciples.
“We will groom the leaders in the work of the Lord and discharge them with the full authority of the great commission, according to Matthews 28 from verses 18-20,” he said.