Business News

Psip programme ensures value for money— Jooma

Malawi’s Minister of Economic Planning and Development Ralph Jooma on Friday said the Institutional role of his ministry is to formulate government’s development plans for which Malawi Growth Development Strategy (MGDS) II is currently the overarching medium-term plan and is largely implemented through the national budget.

Jooma made the remarks in the National Assembly when he was responding to member of Parliament for Balaka Central East Yaumi Mpaweni to consider including the Balaka-Mbela-Ulongwe road in the plans to construct tarmac roads as the road is important economically.

In his response, the minister explained that the ministry considers planning for implementation of programmes and projects prioritised by sectors at council, constituency or any other level provided they are aligned to and contributing towards realisation of the MGDS.

“You may also be aware that the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP), also prepared by my ministry on an annual basis, is a rolling five- year project investment programming tool. It constitutes projects and programmes that have been developed and prioritised by the various originating sector ministries and appraised by the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development before being included in the investment schedule.

“The PSIP process therefore, ensures value for money in government’s development expenditure. The PSIP will normally comprise new, on going and pipeline projects,” said Jooma in his response.

He subsequently said for a road project to be included as a as a new or pipeline project, it has to be addressed to the Ministry of Transport and Public Works which would assess the project for its economic and technical viability.

Jooma also explained that any projects on roads which are unclassified are supposed to be identified and prioritised by the council and included in its development plans.

He said his ministry, in terms of roads projects, normally covers classified roads only and implementation of these projects is done through Roads Authority.

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