Solomonic Peacocks stage French play

In a break from the norm, Solomonic Peacocks on Thursday performed an adaptation of Moliere’s masterpiece L’ecole des Femmeat at Chichiri Secondary School.
This was the second performance of the play which was premiered at the Blantyre Arts Festival last month.
Solomonic Peacocks executive director MacArthur Makukuta explained that the play was staged as a ploy to encourage French learning students to take drama as a career.
He said the play was also performed to encourage students to acquire some skills for the ongoing Inter-Schools French Drama Competition.
Matukuta added that language should not be a barrier to arts but students should take interest in exploring more than just one language in order to broaden their skills.
L’ecole des Femme
, loosely translated to mean ‘school for wives’ dwells on an illogical and jealous lover to whom circumstances have given almost the authority of a husband but is not worth being a husband.
France Honorary Consul Luc Deschamps said Solomonic Peacocks was hired to perform as one way of encouraging the youth to speak French.
He said French is fun to learn and it is time Malawian youths took interest in it as it is also an important language spoken across the world.
Among other schools that came to watch the performance with an aim to acquire skills were Jacaranda School, Joyce Banda Foundation, Lady Bird, Malawi Institute of Tourism, St Patrick’s Academy and Chichiri Secondary School.