Stop blame game, PAC says

The blame game in the Capital Hill cash-gate cannot help stop the fraud from public coffers, the Public Affairs Committee (PAC) has said.
In a press statement released on Friday, PAC, which met on Wednesday in Lilongwe, said the ongoing blame game by some government officials cannot help end the alleged fraud at Capital Hill.
“Most high-level officials have gone into a blame game to the extent of referring to the past regimes when in fact there has been a level of awareness on their part on persistent fraud and corruption incidents in Malawi. PAC feels that there is no space for blame game in view of the serious abuse of funds in the State coffers,” reads in part the statement that has been signed by James Tengatenga and Peter Mulomole PAC’s chairperson and spokesperson respectively.
The statement also pushes the blame on government, saying: “We believe the issue at stake is that the State did not act swiftly on the alleged fraud.”
The statement, which in passing appreciated the country’s presidency for dissolving and appointing a new Cabinet, urges government to avoid justifying a sin with another sin.
“Don’t capitalise on the previously abused funds as a justification of the present. Let us avoid justifying evil by using another sin,” reads the statement.
The Capital Hill has been being characterised by shocking revelations of looting of taxpayers’ money. The revelations transpired following the shooting of former budget director Paul Mphwiyo. Before the shooting, PAC had raised the corruption issue with President Joyce Banda last month.