My Thought

Thank you Madonna

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Thank you Madonna for adopting the twin girls from Malawi. I have no doubt that you will look after them just like you are have done with David Banda and Mercy James. I wish you and the kids well.

Do not listen to your detractors. I mean those who stand on anti-hill calling you all manner of names—those call themselves the saints. You need not mind these people because I can say with fear of contradiction that these holier than thou have never adopted any child in Malawi. In fact these people have many nieces and nephews languishing in the village but they don’t care about them.

One thing you should know, well I am sure you know them by now, some Malawians feel happy whenever they see someone struggling. They like it when one goes begging to them so they can tell who cares how they have helped you. Many of those against the adoption aren’t against it because they will take care of the children no. If they wanted to help they would have done so before you Madonna came to the rescue of these children.

Malawians are all talk and no action. You see these people who say have good morals can’t even look after their own relatives not to mention a stranger. These people didn’t even know the two kids exist.

There are so many orphaned children in this country that any serious person wanting to adopt will just need to follow proper procedures and they have them. I know there are some who claim that Madonna will inculcate immoral behaviours in the kids, but, where were the people with “good morals” to adopt the kids?

I think we should be thankful that there is someone willing to good these children a good life which we fellow Malawians failed to give them because we are too selfish to help others.

So far, Madonna has shown us that she is more human than most of those calling her all sorts of names. I believe that all parents have some flaws. So, stop acting all holy when you too have flaws and Madonna is no exceptional after all she is human just like all of us.

Once again, thank you Madonna.


Sellina Kainja

Online Editor | Social Media Expert | Earth Journalism Network Fellow | Media Trainer | Columnist

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