
The dangers of sexual experimentation (2)

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Last week, I wrote on sexual experimentation between boys and girls that are dating.

As a recap, let me outline some of the things that I touched on in this respect:

1. If boys and girls move into an intimate relationship, they are exposed to temptation that they may not always be able to handle.

2. One of the ways in which a girl can protect herself from falling into temptation is to make definite plans when they are out for an evening.

3. Most girls become very involved with and possessive of a boy with whom they have had sexual relations.

4. Boys, on the other hand, might look at sex merely as a form of physical release and might not share a deep attachment to the girl.

5. A girl should understand fully why she should not have special relationships with boys.

To continue: She should be given a clear idea of the unhappy consequences of premarital intercourse.

If a boy will not respect her reasons for saying “No”, then he has no basic respect for her as a person and she is better off not seeing him. She might say to the boy, “I love you very much but I have decided I will not have sexual relations until I am married”. If the boy truly loves her, he will accept her decision and go on to develop a warm, trusting relationship which may possibly end in marriage when they are ready for it.

Sex outside marriage is inevitably accompanied by fears; the fear of pregnancy, the fear of rejection by the other partner, the fear of being found out. The girl may also worry that she is not the only one the boy is having relations with. Sex outside marriage is not permissible by God. The sexually immoral will not inherit the kingdom of God 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10. God wants all of us to avoid sexual immorality, including premarital sex; 1 Thessalonians 4: 3-6.

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