People’s Tribunal

The PDP leadership drama is getting out of hand

Dear judge Mbadwa,

My lord, with what happened in the House this week, you would have thought the People’s Demagogic Party (PDP) was enacting a bad comedy with their presidential hopefuls when the focus should have instead been on seriously offering checks and balances to the Tokha are Liars government.

The opposition PDP has miserably failed to take advantage of the bungling of the Tokha government so far to cement their position as a government-in-waiting.

They are busy outdoing each other in showcasing who is not to be trusted in their ranks.

But what is intriguing is the way PDP is disintegrating into nothingness at the watch of all good meaning people in the party.

Look at how the drama unfolded in the Nyasaland Legislative Council when leader of opposition Sangalani squared it off with party spokesperson Namalamba. Alas! The party can no longer speak as one voice in the House.

The party is actually advancing selfish interests in the House, giving an opportunity to the Tokha crew to get away with murder.

They are those who align themselves with Sangalalani and those who owe their allegiance to Mapuya for their good reasons.

But what the drama has managed to do is unravel that the more things change in the party, the more they remain the same.

Mapuya successfully transformed PDP from a national party into a sectarian entity and his lieutenants have now taken the bait.

We are witnessing the harvesting of the crop of confusion whose seeds were planted by Mapuya and company with his laissez faire attitude and now it appears others are ready to perpetuate that culture.

The Sangalalani and Namalamba fiasco would have been avoided were intraparty dialogue working in PDP as members would have displayed some modesty in showing their political aspirations.

I repeat it here my lord, the perception that the party is fast becoming a union of jesters will take time to remove.

Who is responsible for this mess? I wouldn’t want to point a finger at the members of the warring factions because as I said earlier, my lord, Mapuya’s style of leadership birthed the current fiasco.

Well PDP, we have had enough of your drama. Can you get serious for once about your party? Not everyone has time for such drama.

My lord, nicking the PDP nonsensical issues in the bud would prevent cases of disgruntled candidates flooding your courts.

Wakutsina khutu ndi nansi,


Gwira Cheyo.

With Emmanuel LucianoFeedback: whatsapp 09 99 253 633

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