
The well adjusted family

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It is up to the parents to establish a rich interpersonal family relationship by showing each other respect, kindness and consideration. The children, too, have to learn that they have obligations and special chores in the household.

Parents must set limits for their children in a warm, loving, kind manner. Children appreciate direction and feel better for it. Sometimes it is wise to provide for a family session. In that way, parents will have an opportunity to air their differences. Parents and children will often be surprised at what comes out in such a session. A truly cooperative family works together for its common good.

When a child requests some privileges which the parents feel that are not good, they should set the rules in a definite and firm manner. When a child presses on and says “ but everybody else in our group has it or is doing it”, a parent must take the time to talk to their child, still in a warm friendly, loving manner and indicate the reasons why that is not considered healthy , ethical, proper, wise or convenient as the case may be.

Children too need respect and love. They will feel better when you indicate verbally your love for them.

It is not wise to simply say, “I don’t want you to do this or that”, or when the child says, “Why? Simply to say “Because I say so”. By talking to a child in this manner, you only succeed in producing rebelliousness, resentment and sometimes even hatred. By showing that you are considerate about the child’s feelings and by talking through the problem in a warm manner, you establish a means of communication that is very important to the entire family.

The love relationship is something which grows and develops through marriage. It can be built to last through the years if a couple has sympathy, love and understating for one another. I like to put it this way; in marriage two people are working together to give each other a boost emotionally so that each feels better than they could ever feel going it alone.

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