Time to watch Malawian productions

: Could you please introduce yourself?
:I’m Mosibudi Pheeha. I am the channel head for the Southern Cluster for Emnet. Those channels are Zambezi Magic and OneZed.
: OneZed is relatively new among Malawians. Just give us a little bit of an introduction of OneZed, what it stands for and what it really is all about?
: Initially oneZed was launched as the general entertainment channel. It is specifically for family viewing. I think as MultiChoice one of the greatest missions that we have is that we must deliver great content. That means be accessible to our viewers and as a channel, OneZed is available on the access package and also on the GOtv platform.
: Recently we received communication that OneZed is open to receive proposals from local creatives if they’re interested to have their content aired on the channel. Take us through the process. What is expected for a local creative interested to have their content aired on OneZed?
: We’ve put out a request for proposal. So, we’re giving an opportunity to producers to submit concept in order for us to produce series or comedy for the Malawian market. So, I mean the biggest aim is to find something that is authentic to Malawi. Something that is relatable to the viewers in Malawi and that’s what we’re trying to identify and offer.
: According to the statement that you put out, you were very specific that you’re looking for creatives that are willing to produce series or comedy. I want to understand why specifically series or comedy and not maybe movies as well?
: I mean the statistics over the years with all of the other channels that we do have across the continent, we’ve come to learn that dramas and comedies are the ones that usually do well for general entertainment channels. When it comes to drama and comedy, it is easier for us to sort of like translate and to go across the market. So, we can reach a wider audience with those two genres. And so strategically, we decided that we’re going to position this particular project and that we’re looking for specifically comedy and drama.
: Once they are identified and they are able to give their content to OneZed, what is going to happen?
: So, for this exercise, we first put out a request for proposal. Then they are going to submit a concept and there’s quite a few requirements on the RFP. If you actually see what is listed there and what will then do is that we will appoint a producer who’s then going to embark on this journey with us to produce the 13-part drama or comedy, right. So, it is a commissioning process. And what I mean, the commissioning process is that we will go through the whole process step by step to create content with the producer and we will cover the cost for that production.
: Are there any plans to widen the scoop? Is there an opportunity to have Malawian content on other channels on DStv apart from OneZed?
: So, I’m in charge specifically for the two channels. So, I can only speak for these two channels that we do have. This is the first step that we’re doing in Malawi. We want to see how successful it is and how it is received. We want to see how the viewers feel about them and then it can spark future conversations with regards to this particular channel pursuing more content.
: The productions that you’re looking for. Do you want them in vernacular with subtitles or do you want them in English?
: The biggest drive is that we wanted to tell the story in the most authentic way possible. And then that way, that means that we also sort of like enabling the producer to showcase language, right. So, we want it to be in vernacular and because we do broadcast in other countries, have subtitles.
: Imagine I am a Malawian producer trying my luck. What would be your advice?
: We want fresh unique stories. We want stories that is authentic to Malawi. We want stories that show the livelihood and experiences of the people in Malawi. That is the first thing. If you tick that box then you are ok for the first step. So, you submit a synopsis and of course concept. We need to have a premise. What’s the dramatic question? What does this show about right? There’s to be a statement of intent. Why is it that we should pick your production and not your other fellow colleagues? And then once you’ve considered that entire world and what it is going to offer, we should also know how much it’s going to cost so you should also put in an estimated budget.
: We do have some movies coming from Malawi. What’s your impression of them?
: They’re very, very good productions that are coming out of Malawi. We are aware of what is being produced today. I think a couple of months back we did license for Fatsani and we did air it on one of our channels.