Who is the puppeteer behind these protests?
Dear judge Mbadwa,
My lord, it is neither the austerity measures Lazaro announced to tame an economy that has gone wild nor his ambivalent statement about a citizen of the Great Bulletin whose application to vary bail conditions has opened a can of worms, which had me intrigued this week.
My lord, it was rather strange courage displayed by a grouping calling itself Nzika Zobalalika that had me shaking my head as they went about their goal to seal the office of Marita, who has this far managed to give hope to Nyasas that the corrupt can be cornered when those trusted by the citizens are deliberately looking away.
It is not long ago, my lord, that I did proselytize in one of my letters to you the relevance of activism in guarding against tyranny as provided for in the Nyasaland Constitution.
And when a Winning- Call guy stepped on the platform, dressing himself in activism garb, throwing ultimatums here and there, I gave him a benefit of doubt until he started displaying strange traits.
Of course, he was later all over the place, something that made many of his followers backtrack as they did not know the ideals he really stands for.
Fast forward to the present time, Nzika Zobalalika has gone a mile further to perfect the art of dancing to the sad tunes of people with vested interests or the compromised.
I expected an activist to do a proper research on an issue he wants people to protest against and if you checked the grouping’s pronouncements on the intention to seal Marita’s office just as Winning-Call’s previous threats to storm the Nyasaland Police and King African Rifles (KAR), you get an impression that there is a puppeteer behind the whole drama.
As I argued then, our colleagues seem to be excited about protesting on issues they hardly understand as long as the puppeteer says so.
It is interesting that people are not interested one bit to question why billions of taxpayers’ money continue to grow wings on the watch of people entrusted to run the country on their behalf.
My lord, it is interesting that some of the Nzika Zobalalika members are now showing signs of opulence; wouldn’t it be justifiable for this tribunal to summon them to explain their new found wealth?
My lord, we seriously need not to relent on the fight against corruption, which has impoverished this country for decades, but we are not going to win that fight with strategies that are meant to stop us from focusing on the prize.
I know the law does not stop people from protesting, but I have problems when we go to the streets without understanding what we want.
I can assure you that puppeteers, as long as they continue to control the narrative, will divert us from the goal.
My lord, let us not allow manipulators to use people for selfish reasons.
John Citizen