National News

World Vision hands over projects to govt

World Vision Malawi has handed over projects it was implementing in Lipiri Area Programme in Dowa District to government as it winds up operations in the area.

Speaking on Thursday in Traditional Authority (T/A) Kayembe during a phase out celebration, World Vision national director Francis Dube said he was satisfied with the interventions made in the area.

Mdooko: Partnership can achieve much

“After 18 years of a transformational partnership between Lipiri community and World Vision, we finally come to a close. Join me in celebrating this fulfilling journey that has seen a remarkable change for the people of T/A Kayembe in the district.

“World Vision ensured that community members themselves took the leading role in planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting. They owned the projects.”

Deputy Minister of Education Nancy Chaola Mdooko commended World Vision for transforming people’s lives through its interventions.

She said: “This is a testament of the power of collaboration. The Lipiri Area Programme has taught us that with good innovation, community-led initiatives and strategic partnerships can achieve much.

“We thank World Vision for transforming people’s lives in Lipiri.” 

Senior Chief Kayembe said the organisation did a lot for the area.

“For the past 18 years, World Vision has implemented initiatives that will forever help people. We did not have adequate water sources, but the organisation drilled boreholes and installed mechanised water systems,” he said.  

World Vision constructed school blocks, a girls’ hostel and library at Mdika Community Day Secondary School, installed mechanised water systems, donated desks and learning materials in primary schools and empowered youths in vocational skills. 

The area programme implemented maternal and child health, livelihood and resilience, water, sanitation and hygiene, Tiwerenge 365 and sponsorship projects with funding from World Vision New Zealand.

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