Gears For Careers

Don’t have ‘’off hours’’ for good attitude

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Maintaining a good attitude is critical when you want to achieve anything. A good attitude 24/7 is a tall order but here are some things you can do daily to improve your ability to keep a good attitude.

Surround yourself with well behaved people: Far too often people surround themselves with people who have poor attitudes. Take a minute and think about the people who surround you, those you spend the most time with. How would you characterise them? Do they challenge you to keep a good attitude? The right people inspire and lift you; the wrong ones drain you. You become who you hang out with so keep the right company.

Act on what gives you confidence: A bad attitude can take a problem and make it quickly worse. Find what makes you feel confident and positive and do it. Don’t make your confidence ‘’boosters’’ be something that other people have to do because that will make you vulnerable. Force yourself daily to identify up to three things no matter how small that you will keep you positive.

Be tougher when things get tough: When the chips are down, that’s when you must keep your chip up. Don’t use any unpleasant things that happen to you as an excuse to have a bad attitude. Learn to handle the hand that you are dealt; see beyond your difficulty and devise a plan for getting over it.

Dwell on what you CAN do: It’s hard to have a good attitude when you are focused on your ‘’what you can’ts’’. Focus on what you can do and do it. Be eager to take on fresh positive challenges that ‘’consume’’ you so that you have little time or reason to dwell on the negative or on what triggers a bad attitude.

Now take action: Write a list of 3 people (outside your family) you spend the most time with. Do they build you?

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