
Focus on healthy relationships

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Healthy relationships make healthy families and healthy families make healthy societies. Healthy societies make a healthy nation.

As virtuous women, we need to always look at what relationship is and is not, and the path to such.

No matter what people say, relationship is at the core of every development. The fibre of any society’s success is hinged on relationships. The power of each relationship determines the status of a family, community, tribe, church and a nation. For example, when a father and mother relate well in the family, it rubs on to their children and in turn to the environment around them.

I want to describe relationship as God’s heart for the people. Woman of God, have you ever thought about the Bible as a record of God initiating relationship with His people? Consider the following factors: From the first breath of life, He breathed into Adam to the last breath Jesus exhaled on the cross, to the final ‘words in red’ at the end of Revelation where Jesus promises to come for His bride …. It is all about God initiating relationship with you and me. In fact, He began creating us in His image (Genesis 1:26-27). His purpose? Relationship! God not only wanted to reproduce Himself and fill the earth with His likeness. He also longed for a family. The term ‘Father’ is relational. He wanted a people who would love and respond to Him, a people who would have the capacity to know Him and have intimate fellowship with Him.

Having said the above, how is your relationship with God, family, friends, workmates, leaders and church members?

Are you a catalyst of bad vibes or good vibes of relationship? Remember, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks!

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