
Are you ready to be a manager?

When you become a manager, you are no longer an individual contributor. Your job is making sure that the people you manage are productive. So if you are considering becoming a manager anytime soon, here are some tips.

Setting vision and direction: Each of your team members have a specific assignment. Your job as the overseer is to pull it all together and that makes you responsible for others’ productivity. Can you guide people to stay on track towards agreed results despite challenges?  Give direction even in uncertainty?

Motivating and coaching people: Are you able to help people do their best work even when resources are tight? Are you able to see the best in others and able to communicate with people in a way that they believe is sincere? Do you care enough to give difficult feedback without putting people down? Does giving praise and recognizing and appreciating the talents and contributions of others come easy to you?

Being high performing: Do you take pride in your own performance? Do you accept that you always have to set the right example? Can you deliver high value communications that makes your people feel supported to do their jobs? Do you set the example for your juniors in terms of meeting your own deadlines and your other managerial obligations?

Making sound decisions: Are you able to make sensible decisions even when you do not have all the information you need? Are you able to make difficult decisions in a timely manner? When your decision turns out to be wrong, do you move quickly to minimise any negative impact? 

Being trustworthy: Is your word your bond? Do you have a track record of following through with what you commit to? Are you comfortable learning from others? Do you care more about doing a good job rather than reveling in your title?

Now take action: What is your primary reason for wanting to be a manager?

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