
Beautiful Christmas memories

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Christmas is a special time for people, most of whom save money all year through to make the day memorable. Still, there has to be at least one year which is closest to memory. Mwereti Kanjo asks some of Malawi’s well known women to share their most memorable Christmas.

Prophet Carol Chapomba:

This will have to be the Christmas of 2005. This is because God took me and my family from one level of glory to the next. We moved out of our one-bedroomed house to a five-bedroomed house in New Naperi.

Now, the boys have their own room and do not have to share with the girls. In the same year, a certain family gave us a car for Christmas and my husband and I did not have to walk anymore. This was all around Christmas. It was as if the heavens opened up and gave us everything that we were looking for.



Songbird Ethel Kamwendo:

Since I got married, we have been hosting get-togethers with friends and family so my Christmas celebrations have sort of been the same for a long time. But there is one year I will never forget. In that year, I was part of a group that cheered up old people. I believe that my life changed that year because when those old people danced and sang with me, my soul rejoiced.

There was one man who could barely stand but when we started dancing, he brought himself up and just smiled. Each time that I remember him, there is joy in my heart. This is because these are people that have no one during the festive season and I was given the opportunity to give them something to smile about.




Netballer Mwawi Kumwenda:

That will have to be last year. I organised a party at home in Mzimba and a lot of my girlfriends came. It was amazing because friends from different sectors came together and it was fun. Netball players were there, friends from home and childhood friends as well.

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