
Husbands (2)

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How do you live a pleasant and honourable life together with your wife and family? The pastor elaborates in this continuation of last week’s article.

If you are able to forgive yourself, you focus on the opportunities and not the dangers. Cry out to the Lord to “teach us to make the most of our time and make our efforts successful,” as  Psalm 90: 12,17 reads. The desire of every person in their right mind is to live a life that counts. This is a godly aspiration. It was Moses’ request in the above prayer. He begun by asking for wisdom to make the most of time. Many things in life can be restored, however, time misused can never be recovered. Once the sun goes down, the day is forever gone.

Invest in your marriage. Invest your faithfulness, time, love, resources, energy and prayers. Be charming, caring, protective and providing. This is going to be of help to your marriage and also your success in the outside world. For any marriage to be successful and rewarding, it takes a real man who foregoes a lot of things for the sake of his family. The type of marriage you have reveals a lot about the type of a man you are. If the marriage fails, the husband has failed in so many areas. Failure in this context means having a miserable wife and children, marriage that has gone dysfunctional and at worst, divorce. If a leader fails, the whole system fails. Leadership is about humility and sacrificial love for others. Once attained, it gives the leader peace of mind and automatically he gains honour and respect.

Be on watch over your wife!!!

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