Blantyre interchange on cards
Government has disclosed plans to construct the first of its kind interchange in the commercial city of Blantyre.
Speaking yesterday in Blantyre after touring the Blantyre Bypass and Chileka-Chikuli-Kunthembwe Road, Minister of Transport and Public Works Jacob Hara said the interchange will help to ease traffic jams in the city.
“We want to start building the interchange in Blantyre even where [feeder] roads will be crossing main roads such as the M1. I went to see one spot and l have advised engineers to design an interchange for Blantyre so that traffic can pass smoothly,” Hara said.
The minister further assured Malawians of government’s commitment to complete the 186-kilometre bypass from Bangwe to Chigumula to Mpemba, passing through Michiru and Chileka where it will connect Lunzu, Mapanga, Zomba and Chiradzulu to ease transportation of goods and service.
“We intend to complete that bypass road. My coming here was to inspect and see that possibility.
“I will do what it takes to ensure that the project is completed,” he said
Hara added that government plans to upgrade to bitumen standard the Chileka-Chikuli-Kunthembwe Road to ease challenges faced by communities.
Chileka resident John Misale pleaded with government to fulfil its plans for the road. “When rain season comes, we usually have problems with this road. I ask government to upgrade it to a tarmac one,” he said.