Govt yet to reconstitute16 parastatal boards
Malawi Government is yet to reconstitute boards of directors for 16 parastatals after the expiry of mandates for the previous boards between May and December 2024, it has emerged.
Comptroller of Statutory Corporations Peter Simbani in an interview on Monday confirmed the development, but said some boards are in the process of reconstitution.

“For others, we are still waiting for submission of names from some ministries whose boards expired,” he said.
The affected boards include Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation, Greenbelt Authority, National Food Reserve Agency, Malawi Housing Corporation, Malawi National Examinations Board and Cannabis Regulatory Authority.
Other parastatals whose boards expired are the country’s five water boards—Lilongwe, Blantyre, Northern Region, Central Region and Southern Region, Airport Development Limited, Air Cargo Limited and Lilongwe Handling Company Limited.
However, Simbani said the line ministry for the water boards already submitted names and reconstitution is in progress.
Meanwhile, the government has appointed a new board for Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi for a term of two years with effect from January 14 2025.
The board is chaired by former Information Minister Gospel Kazako while members include Bessie Nyirenda, Nina Ghambi and Malawi Congress Party Central Region chairman Patrick Chilondola who have been retained.
Others are lawyer Silvester Ayuba James, Prof. Patsani Kumamba, Prof. Michael Chasukwa and Zeria Chakale Chimwele.
Commenting on the issue, Centre for Social Accountability and Transparency executive director Willy Kambwandira said the expectation is that the appointed board members will serve the interests of Malawians.
He said: “They have been appointed at a time when service delivery in most of these state companies has crumbled and it is our hope that they will turn the tables.”