National Sports

Green Harawa to sacrifice glory for Silver Strikers

Standard Bank Knockout Trophy Golden Boot Award favourite Green Harawa has said much as he would love to win the K100 000 prize, he will not let individual glory take away his attention from the ultimate prize——winning the trophy for his club on Saturday.

Harawa has scored two goals, just like Gastin Simkonda of Moyale. However, Harawa has a chance to win the award if he scores in the finals against Mighty Wanderers.

“I will try to utilise all the chances I get or create, but I will not be selfish as not to pass the ball to my playing partners if they are well positioned. This is about the team, Silver Strikers and not me,” said Harawa.

Wanderers attacking midfielder Mike Kaziputa and striker Cuthbert Sineta have an outside chance of wining the award as they have a goal each.

Meanwhile, Silver Strikers have set the mind games rolling ahead of the final at Civo Stadium on Saturday.

Silver general secretary Mike Tembo on Tuesday said lightning will not strike twice on the same place in this replica of last year’s final for the same cup, which the Nomads won 2-0.

“There is no way we can lose twice in the final to them. We also lost in the Presidential Cup final to Mafco and that won’t happen again.

“We have watched alongside the players Everton’s game against Chelsea to learn how the former fought against all odds,” Tembo said yesterday when asked if there are added incentives leading to the final.

On the incentives, he kept a tight lead, saying doing so will pile pressure on the players, “but surely we will do something. Even our sponsor will do”.

Wanderers general secretary David Kanyenda on Tuesday said the mere fact that K8 million (about $20 000) awaits the winner on Saturday is in itself a jackpot.

“To win K8 million in three games shows that the cup is the most lucrative,” he said.

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