Big Man Wamkulu

Her body count is too high, should I dump her?

Dear BMW,

My new girlfriend is 31 years old and one day when we were out drinking with friends—in her drunken stupor—innocently confessed that she had over 50 different sexual partners.

Although I was drunk, I felt like I had been slapped across the face. We all laughed about it and continued with our drinks and chit-chatting but I can tell you I was not Okay.

The thought that over 50 men have run over her is making me sick in the stomach. What should I think about that?

Am I the only one who thinks that’s too much? Should I break up with her? How can she be an excellent wife and mother if I marry her?

I am only 29 and my body count is below 5. How will I manage this woman who is so experienced?

But above all, how can I trust this person? I really feel awful Biggie. Help, please!

Outnumbered, via WhatsApp, LL

Dear Outnumbered,

Seems society ‘sat down’ and unanimously passed that the less the body count a woman has, the better. I’m sure none of society (read, men) knows their women’s really count. They’d faint!

There’s a saying that goes; if you follow up on what the chicken eats, you’ll never eat chicken. So let’s go of this trash concept that a woman’s value is tied to the number of sexual partners she’s had.

Hitting the sack is just an experience like anything else, like any other adventure. It doesn’t literally change anyone, man or woman. If one chooses to have it and the other one prefers celibacy, both choices are liberating and it’s okay.

Society, the male factor, shouldn’t judge the one who chose to have sex as immoral based on her choice. As long as it’s a grown woman being with a sound mind having fun, consensual and safe, let them have their heavenly time!

 Humans are curious beings, and it’s okay. But can we, brothers, stop this obsession of being curious about how many bodies, (pun intended) a woman has had before them?

Is it just jealousy or are you all worried that you might not be as good as your predecessors? Come on wena, just man up!

Mantha sakutengelani patali!

Big Man Wamkulu

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