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I am not dumb—JB

Reporter from Zodiak Broadcasting Station: Pilirani Phiri
Reporter from Zodiak Broadcasting Station: Pilirani Phiri

Malawi President Joyce Banda says she is not dumb but she is wise. She said it is because of her wisdom that she instituted investigations into the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) when she got suspicious with the late Bingu wa Mutharika’s K61 billion (about $152m) wealth.

“I am the one who asked for these investigations. I wouldn’t have [instituted] them if I were involved in the theft and had secrets to hide.” Banda said.

A visibly emotional and angered Banda challenged Pilirani Phiri, a reporter from Zodiak Broadcasting Station that she cannot steal from government.

“Mr Pilirani Phiri, I started business when I was 21 years old. Money is not a problem,” she said as People’s Party (PP) members cheered and clapped for her.

JB, who arrived today from USA where she attended the United Nation’s 68th General Assembly, also denied saying that she knew who shot Minister of Finance budget director Paul Mphwiyo.

‘I never said that. I am glad that Mphwiyo is doing fine and out of the hospital. The nation waits to hear from him on what he knows.”

She also revealed that she has called for a cabinet meeting tomorrow [Thursday] so that she can be briefed on the wanton plundering of public of funds at Capital Hill.

According to President Banda, she will comment more on what has become to be known as the Cash-gate Scandal, when she gets the report from cabinet.

In her introductory remarks, she dismissed rumours that she was ‘battling for her life” in a Texas Hospital.

The press briefing convened at Sanjika Palace attracted more than ten journalists, but the briefing was cut short after taking questions from only four journalists.

“I know you have many questions but time has also run out,” she said.

—Read More about this and other stories from JB Presser in tomorrow’s The Nation.

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