Big Man Wamkulu

I lost all friends, should I care

Hey Biggie,

You see Biggie, I don’t know whether or not you will understand my situation. For that matter, I can’t see anyone in a similar deadlock who can help.

There was a time my phone was like a switchboard, with friends calling to check on me.

Those were days when friends could introduce me to friends of their friends. My circle was expanding just like that and it was all good.

We were going places, painting the town red. If I had no money, someone would cover me. If someone wanted a little something.

But now things have changed. I am like an island. Just alone, no circle at all.

Get me right Biggie. I am not broke. Where did they all go?



Hey Lusayo,

Times have changed, mate. Right now everyone is minding their own business. As you grow old, you circle shrinks. It should not shrink to a point where all you have is you.

There is one thing. It may be that what used to unite you and those friends is no longer there. If you say, you were galivanting and painting the town red, maybe all your friends are into it. They saw that your status was always: The best Fridays are spent at home, with family.

It maybe the other way round, though.

I know you are downcast, but then there is always a new friend around the corner. Check out those you share common interests with.

I have seen better days. There was a time I used to hang out with the boys who loved football. I would go with them ku ma stands, but my interest would be a ng’oma. After a couple of being gassed ku game, ndinasiya, but these friends still hang out there.

You see, there is gold in solitude. This is the only time you are most true to yourself. There is gold in solitude.

There was a time when I had friends but they were all fake . It is better to have no friends than to have fake ones, right?

This phase is an experience for you to become more independent and strong. Focus on yourself, do things you like.

It will be disturbing for a while (few weeks or months) that you have no friend, but with time you will get over this.

Mwinanso ladies came somewhere in between. Legend has it that Bob, Peter and Bunny stuck together as thiefs until Rita came into the picture.

Give time for yourself, you will start to enjoy the freedom and joy of solitude.

NOTE: You can now send your problems to BMW via WhatsApp number: +265 888-209-027. No calls please!

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