National News

Liberalisation hurting the poor hard—EAM

The Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM) has said liberalisation of the country’s economy coupled with the ongoing economic reforms continue to hurt the poor hard.

The association says those who have access to capital, especially foreign nationals, are the only ones getting richer at the expense of the majority Malawians.

Speaking in an interview on Wednesday, EAM head of programmes Bryer Mlowoka said they are currently empowering faith leaders to engage government and influence its decisions on various policies, including economic liberation and Malawians’ participation in investments of foreign nationals.

“We have been overwhelmed by the effects of economic liberalisation. There is a growing concern that liberalisation of our economy is hurting the poor a lot while the rich are getting richer. This is something we can undo through dialogue with government and donors,” he said.

EAM consultant on budget tracking training Mabvuto Bamusi also said government needs to revise its economic liberalisation agenda.

“There appears to be a major concern that people’s purchasing power has been eroded and they are being harmed by liberalisation. The economy should begin to benefit the majority poor by giving adequate opportunities to poor people to participate in productive sectors.

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