Machinga shines in PMTCT
Machinga District has emerged a shining example in achieving prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) following different assessments conducted by the Kalondolondo programme in the country.
The programme manager Jephter Mwanza disclosed this in Liwonde last week after Youth Net and Counselling (Yoneco) presented findings of their assessment. During the meeting, it was revealed that Machinga achieved 98 percent HIV negative births.
“We are quite impressed with the result. Ninety-eight percent is the second highest score in our assessments. Machinga is doing well and this shows that if resources are made available, PMTCT can be a saviour in matters of HIV,” said Mwanza.
The assessment, carried in 13 health centres in Machinga reaching out to 379 people out of whom 67 were males, found that there has been quality staff training on PMTCT and availability of ARVs for the positive pregnant mothers.
Machinga District nursing officer Rose Kanyangalazi said they have in place measures to ensure pregnant mothers adhere to medication prescriptions.
For the past years, Kalondolondo programme, implemented under a consortium of Plan International, Action Aid, Council for Non-Governmental Organisations (Congoma), has assisted to improve service delivery and give local communities a platform to provide feedback on service delivery.