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Minister condemns‘lies’, urges unity

Minister of Local Government, Unity and Culture Richard Chimwendo Banda yesterday used the Mdauku wa Atonga (Mwato) Festival at Msani in Nkhata Bay to condemn people who he said are spreading falsehoods.

Banda, who was the guest of honour at the event, said lies could spark a revolt and drive a nation into civil war. However, he did not come out clearly on who or what he was referring to.

Addressing the gathering in group village head Chilerawana, Senior Chief Mkumbira in the district, he said there are people peddling lies about “certain people killing other people”.

Asked what his remarks meant, Banda could not explain his message, but said in an interview after the event that it is the government’s duty to civic-educate the nation on how to identify lies.

Chimwendo Banda (L) admires farm produce on display during the festival

He said: “It is something that is happening in the country. People are sitting down to craft and spread lies. I am not trying to point at any figure. You are a journalist you know what I am talking about.

“I am not targeting any politician, but the citizens must know these are lies and this is the truth. Lies will never build a nation, but only cause violence and war. Our job as a ministry is to unite the nation.”

The minister also spoke out against divisions among tribes, adding that politics and religion should not divide the nation.

He said: “For example, chiefs from Mzimba, Chitipa and Nkhata Bay have shown up for Mdauku wa Atonga. It shows how much they respect the Tonga culture.”

Mwato chairperson Professor John Kalenga Saka said they are mindful of the MW2063 goals on unity and cultural preservation. He also called for mindset change among different cultures.

“We started as a grouping nearly seven years ago. Interestingly, this constitutes a rare occasion among the Tongas to live their culture. Previously, it was not harmonised or coordinated.“We in Mwato, we have catalysed the coming together of the Tonga, practise and live their dances and food. And, therefore, we are making a contribution to the conservation and promotion of our culture,” he said.

He revealed that with the support of the Tonga Chiefs Council, they plan to establish a centre for Tonga culture at Msani, which will have facilities such as museum, library and small houses.

Mwato vice-chairperson Mbumba Banda thanked the minister and patrons for attending the event.

The 2024 Mdauku wa Atonga was celebrated under the theme: Our environment, our future

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