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Nomads confirm Bob as coach

Mighty Wanderers have confirmed Bob Mpinganjira as their head coach for the 2025 season.

Before his confirmation, Bob was the interim coach after replacing Meck Mwase whose contract was terminated for absenteeism in November last year.

Mpinganjira (L) presents Bob with president’s award | Courtesy of Mighty Wanderers

The Nomads’ chief executive officer Panganeni Ndovi said in an interview on Wednesday that unlike last season when the club chose the backroom staff, Bob will select his technical panel.

He said: “We have now come up with a decision that Bob will be in charge of the team for a minimum of one year, then a decision on the way forward will be made at the end of the season.

“We have also given him the freedom to choose the people that he wants to work with.”

The Nomads boss further said they have not set any targets for the coach.

“We don’t want to him under pressure, but we expect him to build a formidable team that can compete both locally and internationally and that he should win every match,” said Ndovi.

He also said the Nomads will regroup on Monday to start pre-season training.

Bob’s confirmation puts to rest speculation that the Lali Lubani Road outfit had cast its net beyond the borders.

But in an interview on Wednesday, Bob said he was yet to be officially communicated.

“I have not received any communication to that effect, but once I get it, I will comment,” he said.

Nevertheless, the odds favoured the former Nomads marksman after the club’s president and board chairperson Thomson Mpinganjira last month hinted at offering him a permanent role.

This was after guiding the team to the Castel Challenge Cup honours following a 1-0 victory over Mzuzu City Hammers in the final at Bingu National Stadium in Lilongwe.

The business mogul and philanthropist then said: “We have not decided [on our next coach] yet, but if we are going to have a Malawian coach, then it will be Bob Mpinganjira.

“If it is not him, then we will get someone from outside the country to guide the team in 2025 season because at the moment, I do not see a coach who can do better than Bob. He has given us the Castel Cup and it was just towards the end of the season.”

The Nomads’ move to give Bob the freedom to choose his backroom staff follows in the footsteps of champions Silver Strikers and FCB Nyasa Bullets.

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