‘Open health facility’
People around Osiyana Health Centre in Nsanje have asked government to open the newly constructed health centre to offer all services.
The facility, funded by the World Bank to the tune of K1 billion, replaced the one on Makhanga Island. However, since its completion in 2019, the facility is just offering under-five services.
In an interview, Ruo Ward Councillor in Nsanje North Marko Mulutali said people travel about 45 kilometres to Masenjere Health Centre.
He said the nearest health facility is Trinity Hospital at Muona where people pay for services as it belongs to Christian Health Association of Malawi.
Said Mulutali: “Our full council never speaks of our health facility.
“The facility has few health workers and some equipment need to be fixed.”
A community member, Wonderful Chaipa from Chambuluka Village in Senior Chief Mlolo, said people are struggling to get healthcare services.
Senior Chief Mlolo also appealed to government to open the facility to offer full services.
“However, I ask government to turn the facility into a Rural Hospital to support Masenjere and Sankhulani health centres,” she said.
Nsanje North legislator Enock Chizuzu (Malawi Congress Party-MCP) said he will approach the District Health Office on the matter.
Nsanje District director of health services Gilbert Chapweteka acknowledged the challenges people around Osiyana Health Centre are facing.
He said this was because the Ministry of Health is yet to officially open the facility.
“Plans to employ health workers for the facility are in the pipeline. So, I ask people to exercise their patience,” he said.