National News

‘Pan 53 leads in Rumphi, Mzimba’

Agricultural officials in Mzimba and Rumphi say despite the two districts experiencing drought this year, Pan 53 seeds has done well.

Malawi is experiencing food shortages and next year looks bleak as rains stopped before maize matured in most gardens.

This will force government to continue with food distribution which is currently taking place. A visit to several farms in Mzimba and Rumphi have shown that maize crops have been hard hit.

But farmers that planted Pan 53 have faced little problems with the drought. Agricultural extension development officer (Aedo) Denham Chawinga, from Edundu section, which is under Zombwe Extension Planning Area (EPA) of Mzuzu Agricultural Development Division (ADD) said in an interview on Tuesday that Pan 53 has shown some drought resistance.

“In most gardens, the maize have dried up due to lack of rains. However, those that planted Pan 53 have escaped the drought,” said Chawinga.

He said farmers are advised to plant seeds that could withstand drought due to climate change.

Rumphi crops officer Patrick Lungu disclosed that Pan 53 has done well in most of the district’s seven EPAs of Katowo, Bolero, Mhuju, Mphompha, Nchenachena, Chiweta and Mwazisi.

Pannar Seed Malawi Limited sales and marketing officer for the North, Elias Nyirenda, described the feedback from farmers as good and encouraging news.

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