National News

Project set to benefit 60 fish farmers in Mzimba

At least 60 fish farmers from three traditional authorities (T/As) in Mzimba District are expected to benefit from a K29 million three-year fish farming project.

Action for Sustainable Development will implement the project through the Sustainable Aquatic Food Project.

Ngwira: We will train farmers

Speaking on Tuesday during a District Executive Committee Meeting, the organisation’s executive director Thomas Ngwira said the project targets T/As Jalavikuba, Mzukuzuku and M’Mbelwa.

“The project seeks to scale up fish production in these three areas. We will roll out the project on a phase basis for three years. We will train farmers on how to make fish feed and various aspects of fish business,” he said.

In an interview on the sidelines of the meeting, the organisation’s project officer Bahat Kapito said the project targets farmers that are in fish farming and fish business.

“Most farmers struggle to breakthrough in fish farming due to many factors, including lack of technical knowledge on how to run the business,” he said.

Mzimba district fisheries officer Andrew Saukani welcomed the project, saying there are gaps in the fisheries industry.

“For instance, fish feed is expensive on the market and most farmers have been complaining about exorbitant fish feed prices. This project will train farmers in feed making, agricultural husbandry practices and value addition,” he said.

Saukani said fish farming is growing in Mzimba, which has 700 fish farmers.

The project is being funded by GIZ

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