Project targets HIV positive children
Global Aids Interfaith Alliance (GAIA) has launched a project to prevent new HIV infections among children, adolescent girls and young women in Mulanje.
The five-year project, dubbed Ana Patsogolo, will be implemented in eight traditional authorities and 14 health centres in the district.
Speaking on Tuesday during a District Child Protection Committee meeting, GAIA case management officer Owen Mukhanda said they want children living with HIV to be on antiretroviral therapy (ART) programme.
“We will go to their homes and meet their caregivers to ensure that they are adhering to the ART programme so that their viral load is reduced to a minimal level,” he said.
On his part, Network for Youth Development Project manager Chancy Mkandawire emphasised on the need to train caregivers on how they can help children take medicine.
“Most children, especially babies and infants, often have difficulties to take medicine and if no action is taken, the project’s goal will not be achieved,” he said.
In his remarks, Mulanje District Council assistant social welfare officer John Taulo advised the organisation to ensure that the food is nutritious.
“Provide balanced meals to help the children take the medicine,” he said.