
Start your own REVOLUTION

Sometimes ‘little by little’ does not get you what you need. You sometimes need big steps to position yourself for the big break you need. Here are some ideas;

Root yourself in your mission. Have a clear idea of what you need to do; not wishy washy intentions based on hope or someone.

Engage in right action: Don’t waste time being an ‘’activist’’ mindlessly doing things and just going through the notions. Take action with purpose.

Vie for something that challenges you: Instead of staying in your comfort zone or waiting for circumstances to force you, go for what will challenge you.

Outgrow what no longer works: Plan different learning experiences. What do you need to be better at? How will you become more capable?

Live up to a billing: This is not about showmanship. Its about setting yourself standards and living up to them. What heights should you set yourself?

Understand it’s up to you: It’s so easy to put your faith in everyone and everything else to get to where you want instead of taking responsibility.

Treasure your allies: Some allies may be obvious, others not. But anyone who has your back deserves your honour and support.

Increase your worth: Do something regularly to improve yourself. Make sure you are growing because the world is changing around you.

Organise yourself: Get rid of what drains you; people, and unproductive processes. Have a specific plan to meet your expectations a reality.

Negativity must be a ‘no no’: No complaining and fault-finding. This is hard when you hit the hard places but if you slip into negative mode, who’s going to keep your goals going?

Now take action: What one big change will you implement this year?

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