Why should christians tithe?
Tithe is a contentious subject in most churches and temples. Some pastors have even attested that most of their faithful find it hard to spare a tenth of their earnings for the Lord. In this interview, our reporter, WATIPASO MZUNGU JNR engages a church elder of the Living Waters Church, Dings Mpota, on the background of tithe and why many believers frown upon the topic.
Can you give me a brief background to tithe and how your church views it?
Brother you have raised a very interesting topic, which brings confusion and misunderstanding among people. First of all, let me say that I am not a pastor although a lot of people address me as such. I am just a member of the church and love to serve our Lord Jesus Christ.
Tithe is a biblical requirement for all believers found on Malachi 3:10-12. Through tithe, man shows his gratitude to God for the many blessings the Lord pours upon His people.
My view as a Christian, therefore, is that tithe should be paid to church to help it meet its obligations. It also helps men of God resolve their economic challenges.
If that is the case, why then do we have Christians grumble when asked to give tithe?
The answer to this question is two-fold. Firstly, I would say Christians who understand that by giving tithe to church is partnering with God according to Malachi 3:10-12 and Galatians 6:6-10 always look to the opportunity to bless God through the act of giving. They understand that they are giving to God not to man.
Secondly, there are others who don’t appreciate the work of God and find it difficult to give to the church/God. They give not for the love of God, but that the church will come to their aid when something terrible happens to them or to be known by people.
As a church, how do you use tithe? Who benefits or loses from tithing?
Let me say a church is not a profit making organisation. As such, issues of benefits and losses do not arise on the part of the Church.
The Bible says, blessed is the hand that gives. And we have also read that God blesses a cheerful giver. Such being the case, it is the giver of tithes that benefits a lot from this because God cannot allow people who obey His commandments to suffer.
There are times when the church cannot collect enough tithe and offerings to meet its obligation. If this happens, then the church straggles in its operations and that’s why it is advisable for every member of the church to be committed to the church by giving tithe and offerings.
Have there ever been complaints by your church members that you are stripping them of their hard-earned money through tithe?
People will always grumble when it concerns money. But Christians must understand that there’s no need for use of force to effect paying of tithes. This is a matter of showing one’s love and appreciation to God. Where your money is, is where your heart belongs. When one chooses not to give indeed the church will be negatively affected, but much more the person deprives themselves of the grace and mercies of God.
But how do you handle members who are against tithing?
These things always happen in our churches, what is important is that there should be transparency and accountability in the church. As long as there is transparency and accountability, doubting members will slowly fall in.
What would you tell someone who doesn’t believe in giving tithe?
God is not a service provider such as Escom. God is the source of all good things one would think of. I, therefore, urge all people to think of the great grace and mercies of God and compare with the money you would give to church.
There is every reason to say thank you Lord by giving your tithe and offerings.
How have tithe helped grow your church?
All development projects taking place in churches today are as a result of giving. This is what offering and tithes can do. What should be understood is that tithe is just a part of offering. Now the emphasis should not be tithe, but offering as a whole.
What would be your last words?
Don’t faint in doing well for in due time the Lord will bless you. No one who puts God’s work at heart has ever been put to shame. Take time to read 1 Corinthians 15:58 for more on this.