National Sports

Bullets duo in Zimbabwe without club’s consent

FCB Nyasa Bullets have said two of their three players are in Zimbabwe without the club’s consent.

Bullets duo of defenders Gomezgani Chirwa and Nickson Nyasulu, who was voted the club’s Player of the Season in 2024, are in Zimbabwe reportedly to negotiate potential deals as their contracts with the People’s Team are due for expiry.

In Zimbabwe to try his luck: Chirwa

The third one, midfielder Precious Phiri is there for trials at Platinum FC.

In an interview yesterday, Bullets acting chief executive officer Albert Chigoga said: “As for Precious, his future was already sorted before he departed because he was transfer-listed.

“I hear that he is attending trials at Platinum. They will speak to us when they are ready to do so.”

On the other two, he said: “None of these players has left with our blessings.”

In Zimbabwe to try his luck Phiri. | Nation

All the three players could not be reached for comment yesterday.

But a letter from FC Platinum states that Phiri is on trials from January 9 to 31.

“FC Platinum shall be responsible for his accommodation, transport and meals for the duration of his stay in Zimbabwe,” reads the letter.

According to Waganyu Media, an online sports platform, Chirwa, who is Bullets’ captain, has reportedly declined to sign a new contract with the Peoples Team.

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