National News

Councillors angry withK29.1m abuse report

Dust is refusing to settle at Karonga District Council between the council’s secretariat and its ward councillors over K29.1 million allegedly misappropriated from revenue collections in 2021/22 financial year.

The two sides are tussling over how to proceed with 18 council officers who allegedly misused the money from ground rent and market fee collections.

During its February 28 2024 Full Council meeting for the 2024/25 budget, the house, after approving the K21 billion budget, unanimously sent back a human resource services committee report for the third consecutive time, citing continued inconsistencies.

Mwaijengo: Council not being honest

In an interview, council  chairperson Misheck Mwaijengo said the chamber is the house of records and does not want to set a bad precedence.

He said just last year, three ward councillors lost their seats for embezzling K2.4 million, which they repaid.

Said Mwaijengo: “The council secretariat is not being honest. The report is full of inconsistencies and it leaves a lot to be desired. For example, in the previous report, the number of officers was reduced to 14 and in this report it has been reduced further to eight.

“Again, it is not clear on the identities of those that wrote the council asking for forgiveness on the said embezzled money.”

He said they wanted a report with names and figures involved.

But when contacted, Karonga District Council acting director of administration Martin Mkandawire referred The Nation to acting district commissioner (DC) Frank Mkandawire.

In an interview, the DC urged the councillors to be patient and avoid attaching emotions to the whole process.

He said: “The office is not shielding anyone. What people have to know is that the audit report in question, has an auditor’s advice, administrative advice and right now we want to engage the Attorney General for a legal opinion to avoid unnecessary legal challenges from the suspected officers.”

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