My Thought

Decision time

Happy New Year to esteemed followers of this column and all Malawians! The much-awaited 2025 is finally here. I want to start by extending my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your unwavering support throughout the past year. Your feedback, whether through encouragement or constructive criticism, has been invaluable. It is my hope this column will continue to be a space where ideas are shared, challenged and refined in the coming year.

This year holds immense significance for Malawi. As an election year, 2025 promises to be both exciting and, if we are not careful, unnerving. The stakes are high and how we, as citizens, as well as our leaders, handle ourselves will determine the course of our nation. Already, we are witnessing the lengths to which some political leaders will go to secure your favour. From performing grandiose acts of charity to participating in activities designed to showcase humility, these antics—while entertaining—are intended to distract us from the real issues.

For the past five years, many of these politicians ignored the cries of Malawians. They turned a blind eye to our struggles and deaf ears to our pleas. But now, as elections approach, they suddenly remember the people they claim to serve. Malawians must not forget the hardships endured under these leaders.

As we prepare to go to the polls in September, it is crucial we remain focused. Let us not be swayed by short-term handouts or dramatic stunts meant to carry favour. These are temporary solutions to systemic problems. Malawi needs visionary leaders, capable of thinking beyond immediate gains and looking toward long-term development. We need leaders who are immune to the temptations of self-enrichment and committed to lifting Malawians out of poverty.

This election is an opportunity to correct past mistakes. It is a chance to rethink our 2020 choices and to chart a new course for the future. From local government representatives to the highest office in the land, we must demand accountability and integrity from those seeking to lead us.

The events of the past year have been painful for all Malawians, irrespective of political affiliation. This shared struggle should serve as a reminder of what is truly at stake. Let us not be fooled by politicians engaging in sensational acts such as eating raw bonya or digging graves. These stunts are not leadership; they are distractions.

September 2025 gives us the power to redefine our nation’s trajectory. This is not just an election; it is a moment of reckoning. We owe it to ourselves and to future generations to make right decisions. Let us approach the polls with clear eyes, firm resolve and an unwavering commitment to building a better Malawi.

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