People’s Tribunal

Dobadobas took over long time ago

Dear judge Mbadwa,

My lord, I didn’t know the boy who was carrying plastic bags for us and others at Kabula market wields so much power now.

My lord, the current fuel crisis has created opportunities for some people and they are making a killing out of it.

I never imagined this dude and his friends could be the ones deciding who should buy fuel at service stations in the full view of Nyasaland Police officers and fuel attendants.

My lord, you could see the exasperation of people of repute who had endured hours and hours of waiting in the queue only to be told by these boys that as long as they were not willing to part with some money, they would not buy the prized commodity.

My lord, this is how i n e f f i c i enc y breeds opportunists of all kinds. It is now a government of dobadobas for dobadobas and by dobadobas.

My lord, I was telling colleagues who envy engineers, accountants, economists, doctors, lawyers and all those glamorous careers that they are wasting their time memorising theorems and formulas to become these people.

My lord, all those men of letters dance to the sad tunes of middlemen or brokers. You heard me right, my lord, dobadobas are the ones calling the shots in all sectors of life.

If ‘big people’, including modern day politicians, rely on middlemen to make things move, is there any need for technocrats?

The dobadobas know how to multiply taxpayers’ m o n e y to b e n e f i t themselves, government officials and politicians as well as suppliers.

I submit that we have been using the wrong template in trying to develop the country by emphasizing the need for industrial growth because what needs to be developed in Nyasaland is the middlemen industry.

My lord, the dobadobas hav e rendere d the manufacturing industry, the service industry and any other industry you can imagine, irrelevant.

This country, my lord, doesn’t need companies that make fer t i l i ser because middlemen can bring the much-needed fertiliser as long as they share the spoils with politicians and other public officials.

My lord, there is no need for public officials to stammer their way to negotiate fuel supply deals when dobadobas are around.

In the middlemen industry you don’t need to have business capital or established offices. All one needs is proper connections to the powers that be.

I am sure we are wasting our time hyping Nyasaland2063, yet we Feedback: whatsapp 09 99 253 633

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